Mingus, Monk & More: Friends of the School of Music fund-raising jazz concert

Bookings are now open for the Friends of the School of Music fund-raising jazz concert, Mingus, Monk & More. The format will be similar to last year, with a cabaret feel and cash bar in the room. There will be tables at the front for the first 30-35 bookings, with numbered allocated seating on a first-come, first-served basis. The proceeds will be used by the Friends to support grants to students for activities such as master classes, CD production, participation in competitions etc. The program will feature the Hugo Lee Quartet, and some other surprises in the first set, and the ANU Jazz Collective, in the second set, playing the music of Thelonius Monk and Charlie Mingus, and maybe some of their own compositions inspired by these great jazz musicians. This year the concert's artistic director is Johannes Luebbers, convenor of the jazz program, who arrived at the School early in 2015. Do not miss this opportunity to hear some old favourites and some new work and new performers. Reserved seating can be obtained by emailing Annie Oakey at: annieoakey@gmail.com with details of an EFT payment to Friends ( BSB 012950 Account No 451018883 with your name and ‘jazz’ in the reference line) or Credit card number plus details. Cheques plus details have to be sent to The Treasurer, FSM, Building 100, ANU ACT 0200. Tickets will be sent by email whenever possible. No bookings will be taken after 5.00 pm 1 day before the concert however tickets will be available for purchase at the door (please bring cash). Tickets $25 adults, $20 members of the Friends, $10 students

Date and Times


Big Band Room, 121 Childers Street, 2601 Acton,